September 8th - 11th, 2016 in Port Constanta

Kaliakra Tall Ship - Class A (Bulgaria)


Kaliakra is one of the most desired Bulgarian tall ships. After crossing the Atlantic Ocean twice, the ship is participating in the Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016, and can be visited free of charge in Constanta port between 8 and 11 September 2016.

The Kaliakra was manufactured in 1984, in Dantig, Poland, but belongs to Bulgaria. The tall ship was designed and manufactured especially for Varna Maritime Academy students’ training and qualifying – the future officers of the Bulgarian commercial fleet. The Kaliakra has participated in lots of tall ships competitions, flying the Bulgarian flag all over the world. In 1992, at the transatlantic regatta which was organized to celebrate 500 years from the discovery of America, Kaliakra crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice, finishing the third after had competed against 143 ships.

Technical details

Class: A
Flag: Bulgaria
Length: 52.37m
Rig: Barquentine
Year Built: 1984
Home Port: Varna, Bulgaria
Entered By: Bulgarian Maritime Training Centre

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